TLN maintains a policy of strict confidence concerning personal information it obtains. Our privacy policy seeks to comply with the National Privacy Principles of the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act).

In accordance with the provisions of the Act, users are advised of the following:

  1. The information collected on the log in form, course registration form or blog is for the purpose of completing course registrations, providing a better professional development service to you and mapping demographics of CRTs in Victoria.

  2. TLN is committed to secure storage of and control of access to personal information.

  3. TLN may pass limited information to certain individuals or organisations as follows:
    • In light of the funding arrangement with the Victorian Department of Education, usage data may be supplied to the DET at their request.
    • Where the person facilitating the course requests information about course participants then limited information will be passed to the facilitator, e.g. whether the person is working in a secondary or primary setting.
    • Where TLN is working in partnership with another organisation, then information will be supplied to the partner organisation for the relevant purpose, e.g. inviting or confirming registrations for a course.

  4. TLN may use information supplied by an individual to communicate with them for the following purposes:
    • To communicate information about a course for which they have registered, e.g. course confirmation, course reminder.
    • To communicate information to you about other TLN programs or activities that may be of interest to you or your colleagues.
    • To follow up on course attendance for the purposes of evaluations.
    • To produce, where relevant and where requested, a summary statement of course

  5. TLN may use information supplied by TLN school or workplace contact:
    • To communicate information about TLN courses and programs that may be of interest to staff at the workplace.
    • For the purposes of surveying the workplace to gather information about professional development needs and or to evaluate the effectiveness of TLN courses.
    • To communicate with the workplace about issues related to a course attended by a member of the staff or about workplace membership of TLN, e.g. following up invoice payments

  6. You may request to see any information we may have concerning you to check that it is correct and up to date.

  7. Some information on this website will have been entered by TLN members or the general public eg blog or open discussion forums. TLN staff will monitor postings and remove inappropriate material, this includes offensive material, education ‘advice’ which is demonstrably inappropriate and views which directly conflict with the common values of the sponsoring unions or the Victorian DET. Controversial views which are not deemed inappropriate may be maintained on discussion forums for the purpose of generating debate. Information on discussion forums or other public access areas of the website does not necessarily reflect the views of TLN, the DET or either of the sponsoring unions.


This policy will come into effect on 1st January 2013.

In 2017, TLN is offering free professional development to Victorian CRTs. This is distinct from the TLN membership benefit package offered to members and staff in members school as found at The following procedures apply to booking and cancellation of courses that part of the TLN calendar of events. The following policies will apply to events run on behalf or partner organisations except where that organisation has a policy or procedure that takes precedence for that event.

Registering for a TLN CRT PD course:

  1. All course bookings must be completed through the CRT PD website and learning management system which can be accessed through the site.
  2. Upon registration a person will receive an automated course confirmation to the email address they have entered on the registration form. Further reminders are issued one week and one day out from the scheduled date of the course.
  3. The emails constitute confirmation of the person’s place in the course for which they have registered. The exception to this is where registrations exceed the places available and a person is either withdrawn or asked to withdraw from the program in accordance with the conditions of the ‘Fair Use’ policy.
  4. No payment is required for these courses where the person is a current Victorian CRT. There is no ability to offer courses to non-Victorian CRTs.

Cancellation of registration for a TLN CRT PD course

  1. Where a person has registered for a TLN CRT PD program and then cancels their registration at least 24 hours prior to the course then no penalty is applied.
  2. Where a person cancels their registration after the course has commenced then the person may suffer the penalty for future courses as prescribed in the ‘Fair Use’ policy.

Cancellation of TLN CRTPD Courses

(Courses appear in the TLN CRTPD calendar of events)

TLN reserves the right to cancel any program wherever it believes that there is a risk to the health and safety of participants, where the conditions or the number of registrations is unlikely to be conducive to a productive professional learning environment, where there is a clash with an event or policy from one of the sponsoring unions or for any other valid reason.

Every attempt will be made to notify registered participants in a timely manner and to reduce the inconvenience to registered participants for such a course cancellation, however no guarantees are made nor liability accepted for losses.

TLN also reserves the right to make alterations to the advertised program where there is required e.g. illness of facilitator, to ensure that a productive learning event occurs consistent with high quality professional development. Every reasonable attempt will be made to notify registered participants of changes prior to the scheduled date of the course.

Procedures for Appeals & Complaints

If you believe that the course you have attended has not complied with the advertised objectives or where relevant that you have not received a fair and accurate assessment of your competence, you should first discuss your concerns with the facilitator or assessor.

If after discussing the problem, you still believe that the matter requires investigation, you can raise it with the TLN Executive Officer for further discussion and conciliation.

If you are still unable to resolve the issues, or the trainer is the Executive Officer, then the matter can be taken to the TLN Committee of Management. Such complaints can in the first instance be emailed to [email protected] and they will then be forwarded to members of the TLN Committee of Management

TLN Fair Use Policy

In 2017, TLN is offering free professional development to all Victorian CRTs as part of its CRT PD for the Victorian DET. It is anticipated that this will benefit thousands of CRTs in Victoria.

To ensure fair and equitable access for all TLN members to the quality professional learning experiences we are offering, from 2013 we are implementing a ‘fair use’ policy.

Under the terms of this policy, all courses – online and face to face – have a limit on the number of people who are able to attend. The actual number depends on the venue, the facilitator and the topic.

4.1 Fair use arrangements for Online Courses:

Where the number of registrations exceeds the places avaliable, the following arrangements will come into effect:

  1. CRTs in a close geographic area may be asked to maintain one registration only and to make arrangements for a shared projection of the online session.
  2. Where it is necessary to further reduce numbers users who have registered for a previous online program, not attended and not advised TLN prior to the course commencing will be withdrawn from the new program and advised of such by TLN.
  3. Where an individual has previously attended ten or more online programs in the current calendar year, they will be asked to withdraw their registration
  4. If reduction of numbers is still required priority of access will be given to users who have not previously registered for an online program in the previous 12 month period and to users who register from regional and remote locations.

In all cases where a person is asked to withdraw their registation, then every attempt will be made to make the program available to them as an “on demand” course through the TLN website.

4.2  Fair use arrangements for Face-to-Face Courses

Where the number of registrations exceeds the places available, the following arrangements will come into effect:

  1. Where it is necessary to reduce numbers, users who have registered for a previous face to face program, not attended and not advised TLN prior to the course commencing will be withdrawn from the new program and advised of such by TLN.
  2. Where a user has previously attended three or more programs they will be asked to withdraw their registration to make way for another person who wishes to enrol.
  3. Where it is necessary to further reduce numbers priority of access will be given to users who have not previously registered a person for a face to face program in 2013 and users who register from regional and remote locations.
  4. In all cases where an individual user is asked to withdraw their registration then every attempt will be made to make an alternative TLN program on a similar topic available to them.
  5. Where users are asked to withdraw then every attempt will be made by TLN to support the school through the provision of an –‘on-demand’ course by the same facilitator.